Otaniemi campus

Schools and academic facilities

School facilities for better learning

AFRY has the experience and expertise to design and optimise all types of facilities for education and training, such as schools, colleges and universities.

As places for learning and developing, schools and educational establishments play a major role in the lives of schoolchildren, students and educators. When acquiring knowledge and developing analytical thinking, you need environments conducive to concentration, creativity, and recuperation. Environments which need to be simultaneously calm and inspiring, and flexible enough to meet the needs of groups as well as individuals. Naturally, they must also be cost effective to build, run and maintain.

Experience has taught us how to create the best possible conditions for growing minds. You must have flexible lighting, ventilation and acoustics, and fire and safety standards of the highest calibre. In colleges and universities, traditional lecture room layout is giving way to smaller, rounder spaces, more conducive to interaction and discussion. And as modern education relies heavily on digital technology, IT solutions and connectivity is paramount.

Contact Mattias Andreassen

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