Vedvarende energikilder, der imødekommer samfundets nuværende behov.

Transmission and Distribution

Finding economically and environmentally sustainable ways to transmit electricity

In addressing the challenges of a changing power sector, upgraded grid infrastructures are instrumental in adopting the future generation mix and to guarantee an economic and reliable power supply.

Based on many years of international experience and interdisciplinary projects, AFRY engineers have the know-how to assist you in all areas of the electric power sector and with cost-effective and sustainable development, building, and operation of networks for electrical power transmission and generation. We place particular emphasis on environmental concerns, state-of-the-art technology, economics and sustainability.

Close up of substation with mountains in the background
Substation in Benken, Switzerland

Addressing the challenges of a changing power sector

Our activities cover high, medium and low voltage switchgears, complete network substations, distribution networks, low voltage transformers, power transformer stations and compensation systems. We also provide expert services in the field of network calculations and analysis of electromagnetic fields in addition to general project tasks such as studies, concepts, specifications and system evaluation. Our scope of work also cover certification measurements and engineering services in the field of ancillary services. Our transmission line projects range from distribution lines and distribution networks to underground cable systems and high voltage transmission lines. We have extensive experience in transmission line projects in difficult areas, be it at extreme altitudes, such as the snow and ice-covered Alps, or in remote areas of Asia and Africa.

Whether you need services for initial planning and development through to design implementation, we bring the breadth of know-how needed to drive clear decisions and build solid infrastructure for the power transmission and distribution industry. We are a global partner, but we also know our local markets, stay close to our clients and help them navigate the regulations that govern them. We aim to support our clients to guarantee safe and reliable operation of electrical power systems today and into the future.

Clients looking to reduce costs and optimise assets turn to us for cutting edge solutions. From high-end engineering to project implementation and design, we deliver expert services.

Our fields of activity in T&D

  • Transmission & Distribution Lines
  • Substations (outdoor and GIS)
  • Transformers
  • HVDC
  • Cables
  • Antennas for Mobile Networks
  • Scada Systems
  • Ancillary Services (Consulting & Certification Measurement)
  • FACTS (right before HVDC)
  • Smart (micro) grids
  • Renewable energy integration
  • Energy storage integration

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