Biomaterials and Biochemicals
We are the trusted advisor to companies, project developers, financiers and governments who are seeking new growth avenues in biobased products.
While the consumption of fossil-based materials has continued to grow globally, plastics in particular, environmental concerns have emerged and brought the opportunities for sustainable and circular bio-based products into discussion. Products based on renewable raw materials are increasingly perceived as a more sustainable solution to substitute fossil-based materials.
Even though the market entrance of novel bioproducts has taken longer than expected, major upside potential for both conventional and new bio-industry products exists. What are the bioproducts and applications with near- and medium-term potential, and how to capture these opportunities efficiently?
We are the advisor of choice for all bio-industry business participants, including industrial manufacturers, suppliers, technology developers, investors, financiers, logistics companies and other interest groups, who are seeking solutions to capture the potential emerging from novel bioproducts. Our experienced team of consultants are ready to help our clients to navigate towards more sustainable future of societies.
We are acknowledged experts in:
- Corporate, marketing and feedstock sourcing strategies
- Sustainability and partnering assessments
- Due diligence services
- Feasibility studies and investment advisory
- Market analyses and forecasting
- Technical concepts
- Materials substitution