Decarbonisation – the myths and the realities
In this interactive session with AFRY’s decarbonisation experts, we aim to give you our insight into the progress, challenges and opportunities in decarbonising global supply chains.
Decarbonisation has become the primary policy goal in the attempt to counter climate change. It has translated itself into supra-national and national objectives, mandated and voluntary changes to the carbon footprints of physical supply chains and the stimulus of enormous technical innovation in the search for solutions. Power, heat, transportation, heavy industry, manufacturing and technology are all grappling with this complex and expensive task. But to what end and how successfully?
Come and join us at the Société Suisse des Entrepreneurs in Geneva (https://www.sse-ge.ch/accueil) on the 17th September 2024 at 18:00 or at the AFRY office in Altstetten Zurich on 18 September 2024 at 18:00 to find out:
- What are the key mandates and initiatives driving the decarbonisation agenda?
- What progress are key sectors making?
- Is hydrogen the decarbonisation silver bullet?
- Will carbon capture be a future license to operate?
- Are renewable fuels really renewable?
- What might the future hold for decarbonisation?
Our experts Richard Payne, AFRY Management Consulting's head of strategy and commodities trading consulting, John Williams, head of hydrogen, Stuart Murray, head of carbon capture, and Henna Poikolainen, head of renewable fuels, will discuss this complex and controversial topic in an informal and interactive manner. The content will be in English.
Please register using the following links depending on whether you will be attending in Geneva or Zurich. We look forward to seeing you there.