Global framework for biodiversity (COP15) will accelerate nature-positive solutions
This week 195 countries reached a historical agreement on a new set of goals to guide global action towards 2030 to halt and reverse nature loss. The agreement is called the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework - a landmark framework for nature
Why is this agreement seen as a historical success? The agreement sets a solid framework with clear, measurable goals and targets globally. The agreement also sends a clear signal to business as well as the financial institutions to develop their business models and investment strategies towards a nature-positive economy.
The key targets are:
Protect 30% of the land and water areas by 2030
30% of land and water areas that have already declined, must be restored by 2030
Proposals to increase finance to developing countries
The Global Biodiversity Framework has a total of 23 targets, that focus also on the reduction of pollution and pesticides, the eradication of illegal wildlife trade, the fight against alien species, tackling over consumption, and cutting subsidies harmful to nature, to name a few.
Two key conclusions can be drawn from the results of COP15, one being that the climate crisis and nature loss are now to be treated as twin crises, and the solutions must go hand in hand. Those that find solutions that amplify progress towards both climate and biodiversity will be the front-runners. Secondly, the consensus reached in Montreal to stop the loss of nature sends a strong message to both businesses and financial institutions as well as civil society, that the governments are ready to take action.
The actions need to be ramped up fast: both aiming for becoming net-zero and nature-positive. This represents a paradigm shift on how we look at nature; mitigating damage to nature is no longer enough, concrete solutions that enhance ecosystems are the way forward.

Nature disclosures are set to be the new norm for companies. One of the breakthrough points of the agreement calls for large and transnational businesses to disclose their impacts and dependencies on nature and biodiversity. When the agreement is a step in the right direction for tackling biodiversity loss, now the real work begins with realising those goals into action. The business community has a central role in developing transparent risk management strategies and solutions that are nature positive. There are great opportunities for those that take the lead and adopt holistic solutions to climate and biodiversity.
At AFRY we are involved in thousands of client projects a year where we offer expertise to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society. We provide business insight, sustainability and biodiversity expertise, and the technical engineering capabilities in making concrete nature positive solutions. For example, in the city planning the nature-based solutions can enhance the sustainability, resilience, and livability in many ways. Natural ecosystems, green and blue infrastructure can help mitigate pollution, reduce risks from floods, heat waves and provide healthy air and water. Another example is within circular economy and eco-design, that can transform the way we make and use products to significantly reduce biodiversity loss by eliminating waste and pollution, by circulating products and materials, and by regenerating nature.