Goodbye Machinery Directive
Say hello to Machinery Product Regulation
Driven by the digital era of smartphones new requirements are coming up, with the Machinery Product Regulation. The need of digital safety regulations covering AI, safety connected to AI, new High Risk machinery and some more new requirements are about to evolve.
It’s been more than 15 years since the last (3rd) edition of the Machinery Directive was published. The latest and current edition brought increased safety requirements especially in the area of control system and instructions of use. Now driven by the digitalization there are new requirements coming with the Machinery Product Regulation (MPR). We’re talking about AI, safety connected to AI, new High Risk machinery and some more new requirements. AFRY follow the development closely as a part of the important task of making sure all our offerings, services and solutions are in compliance with the latest techniques and regulations.
So what’s next step?
During the first quartal of 2022 there is going to be a vote within the IMCO (Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection) if the existing draft should be sent to the European Commission for voting.
If the draft is passed in IMCO and European Commission we can expect to have a new regulation this year. After that there is a 30-48 months transition period for the industry to adapt to the new rules.
Considering that the new regulations covers the machinery/manufacturing industry in EU worth roughly 650 billion Euro consisting of more than 80,000 manufacturers the impact of the MPR will be significant.
It's going to be interesting to see what the outcome of the IMCO vote will bring.
Stay tuned!