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For me AFRY cultivate a positive culture

Børge Godhavn is part of the team that works with IT and organizational development at AFRY. Despite the fact that he and most of the team sit together with clients, Børge is always looking forward to meeting his colleagues at the AFRY office.

“I am motivated by sharing experiences, and assisting clients in highlighting new opportunities that they themselves have not thought of”, says Børge Godhavn.

Børge was born and raised in Trondheim and has a master's degree in industrial economics and technology management from the Norwegian University of Technology (NTNU).  

“In terms of career, I have been in a number of different industries, and have alternated between being both a consultant and working on the other side”, he says.  

Børge Godhavn , Senior advisor at AFRY

Børge points out, for example, that he has worked in the construction industry for seven years, been employed by BN bank and several different consulting companies.

“In a work context, I have always been very interested in the connection between IT and organizational development, what we now call digitalization”, Børge explains.  

He started at AFRY 2018 and is a Senior advisor within the IT Solutions business area.  

“I initially started in the company Momento together with a fantastic group of leading project managers and consultants. In 2018, we became part of AFRY through an acquisition”, he says.

Responsible for procurement and implementation of digital systems

AFRY just won a new framework agreement with the municipality of Trondheim for consulting assistance in digitization.

“For the past twelve years, we have had similar framework agreements with the municipality. I look forward to continuing to assist Trondheim in developing good digital services for residents and businesses”, says Børge. In addition to the new framework agreement, he is currently working on two projects, one for the municipality of Trondheim and one for NTNU.

AFRY assists NTNU in introducing a single administrative system for all laboratory environments at the university.  

“The project for Trondheim municipality is about welfare technology and procurement. I am currently responsible for getting contracts and deliveries in place”, he says. He further explains that the introduction of the system at NTNU is beginning to come to an end, and that the focus now is on planning benefits realisation and operational organization.


3 quick questions about Børge Godhavn

How would you describe the work environment at IT Solutions?

In IT Solutions, we spend a lot of time with our clients, and the vast majority of us are hired one by one. I think it is very good to come "home" either physically or digitally, and meet up with my own colleagues at AFRY. I always look forward to coming to the office, and we have a very pleasant time together when we finally meet!

What motivates you at work?

A few years ago, we had a course in strategic project management. I think it helped many of us who work in IT Solutions to put into words what we find meaningful at work. We are often hired as project managers in a predefined project, but often end up delivering more than the client originally thought of. In this context, I am motivated by sharing my experiences and assisting clients in highlighting opportunities that they have not seen themselves.

What do you think is most demanding at work?

For me, getting decisions through in large organization can be demanding. In the public sector, there are often many parts of the organization that must be involved in a decision. This means that the processes often take a long time. I have learned to be more patient over the years, and I see that good ideas are often created when many perspectives are involved.

Interested in our offerings at IT Solutions? Contact us!

Børge Godhavn - Senior advisor Digital Services in Norway

Børge Godhavn

Senior advisor Digital Services in Norway

Contact Børge Godhavn

For sales enquiries, please complete this form. For all other enquiries, please visit our office and contacts page here.
Jon Hølland - Director Digital Solutions

Jon Hølland

Director Digital Solutions

Contact Jon Hølland

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