
Sustainable Safety on Tour spring 2022

How to navigate in a digital world filled with information and regulations

How do I sort in the seemingly never-ending increase of regulations, which are relevant for the machinery in my production line that probably consist of a mix of old and new technologies? And how do I as manufacturer relate to sustainability when consumption is the new “flight shame”. Members of AFRY's Specialized Operational Excellence Team touring Sustainable Safety have the answers.

We're living in the age of information and digitalization and new technologies are emerging at an astonishing rate. New technologies such as products, machines, equipment and devices just to mention a few. Competing companies are continuously pushing the “state of the art”- level to new limits. Regulations are not far behind. In 2002 there were about 4,000 global regulations and now the number of regulations has already passed 40,000.

Think about that for a minute, we have 10 times more regulations to consider, apply, follow and fulfill today compared to 20 years ago, says Igor Bogunic, Manager Safety and EHS.

However, most production lines still have old equipment or outdated machinery, often combined with new ones, with consequential need of complex solutions to connect hardware and integrate software. Which in turn leads to higher demands on the educational knowledge of not only subject experts when they perform risk analyzes but also for operators in their daily work.

​​​​​​Accelerated complexity need “simple” explanations

How do we navigate in this new world filled with endless amount of at hand available data and a mix of new and old technologies? How do we create and maintain safe and sustainable work environments?

AFRYs Specialized Operational Excellence have sustainability experts for every part of the product life cycle. And since 2018 experts within SOE have gathered their combine knowledge to educate each other as well as clients. This spring, experts set together a program to embrace the accelerated digitalization and how to apply for the transition towards a sustainable society.

The Tour Team

These are the experts that pulled together the complete program that answers the question How to increase sustainable productivity? and brought it on tour with hashtag #SustainableSafety:

Sustainable Safety on tour spring 2022 igor_bugonic

Igor Bogunic

Expert in Sustainability and Safety specialized in regulations such as Machinery directive. Igor showed examples of when and what to CE label, guided through regulations and how to perform a sustainable risk analysis.

- When clients react to the cost of risk analysis I ask What did your last accident cost your company? That might be about the same cost for a risk analysis that identifies 50 risks including preventive measures for these risks.

Sustainable safety on tour spring 2022 Stina Thullbom

Stina Thullbom

Expert in regulatory questions related to Machinery directive, Technical information and documentation.

- I get questions regarding reasonable foreseeable misuse of machinery*

and my advice to more easily determine what this may involve is to read accident reports and previous judgments of the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Always remember that people are very inventive!

 *swe Rimligen förutsebar felaktig användning

Sustainable Safety on tour spring 2022 Frida Lövgren

Frida Lövgren

Expert in Technical Communication specialized in e-learning, digital communication introduced AFRY´s new digital product Zert CLM that complete the offering and we now are a full service provider of Technical Communication. Providing a webb based product mean taking a leap towards the digitalization necessary for sustainability.

 - Technical communication is very much about delivering right information, in the right format, at the right time to the right recipient.

Sustainable Safety on tour spring 2022 Peter Lind

​​​​​​Peter Lind

Expert in Training and Education explained the importance of analyzing training strategy and efforts needed to achieve corporate goals as well as maximizing learning retention, motivation and problem solving “on-the-job”. The key is to “begin with the end”, use available technology and develop “problem solving” tests.

- Most eyeopeners for the seminar participants are about the education strategy “just in time learning” and the effect that a deep analysis can make on outcome, result, cost and time. That they need to evolve from list of mandatory courses towards “the-youtube”.

Sustainable Safety on Tour spring 2022 Johan Folkesson

Johan Folkesson

Expert in Visualization and Animation starts with emphasis on how to put the recipient in the right state of mind to assimilate information, whether it is on demand or in the classroom. Then he demonstrated the technology that overcomes most challenges with training as well as documentation, Pano Tour 360, that allows both gamification and training on demand.

- Everyone knows that an image says more than a thousand words and we are born with the ability to show things, we instinctively points at the thing we want others to see. I just demonstrate how to use that. For example I show a slide with the text “green” in several different languages, so that everyone in the room understands, next slide shows an image of a green dot. It becomes obvious how powerful visualization is and that´s what we use in our work and technology.

Jacob Rydholm

the Sponsor of the tour and Business Unit Manager of Specialized Operational Excellence (SOE) is an expert in cross-functional, interdisciplinary, and multi-industrial solutions covering all organizational levels.

- I´m looking forward to next tour where we will present even more benefits of the digital products that came with the acquisition of Zert last year. With the digital programs Zert RM, Zert RMp and Zert CLM SOE covers the entire product life cycle.


​​​​​​So - How do I increase sustainable productivity?

It is simple – minimize use of resources! You need to keep a holistic point of view and select solutions that effectively increase sustainability of product, employees and brand. Long-term vision is one of the important keys, avoiding re-inventing the wheel is another. We support you with strategies for both applying technical know-how from AFRYs 125 years of experience in safety and regulations.

By systemically analyzing the products and equipment followed by creating information that everybody can relate to and when they need to, we are reaching the full potential of human-technology-organization perspective, leading the way of digital and sustainable safety.

Igor Bogunic - Global Head of Safety & EHS Management

Igor Bogunic

Global Head of Safety & EHS Management

Drives, manages and develops projects and new business through sustainability, digitalization & safety.

Contact Igor Bogunic

For sales enquiries, please complete this form. For all other enquiries, please visit our office and contacts page here.
Jacob Rydholm - Business Unit Manager, Specialized Operational Excellence

Jacob Rydholm

Business Unit Manager, Specialized Operational Excellence

Contact Jacob Rydholm

For sales enquiries, please complete this form. For all other enquiries, please visit our office and contacts page here.
Johan Folkesson - Section Manager, Visualisation & Animation

Johan Folkesson

Section Manager, Visualisation & Animation

Contact Johan Folkesson

For sales enquiries, please complete this form. For all other enquiries, please visit our office and contacts page here.