World from above, focussed on Europe

Utilising the versatility of hydrogen to fully decarbonise Europe

Ed: This article predates November 2019, when ÅF and Pöyry came together as AFRY.

Since Pöyry published in May 2018 its first two pathways looking at how to fully decarbonise Europe’s energy system by 2050, we have undertaken various alternative pathway analyses for multiple clients.

One such pathway considers whether hydrogen demand could be sensibly maximised using the same macro-economic assumptions as previously referenced but reflecting the potential for hydrogen production technology costs to be significantly lower than previously assumed, and how hydrogen can then be better used to manage the transition, and assist with seasonality and power network issues.

Results from this Hydrogen Economy pathway show that hydrogen can contribute significantly to:

  • heavy goods transportation (where battery vehicles and other electric alternatives are less economic or practical);
  • heat demand in industry and buildings (avoiding the need for disruptive conversion of existing buildings to accommodate heat pumps and improving the likelihood of consumers accepting the changes required); and
  • power generation (bridging seasonal gaps and allowing zero carbon balancing plant).

This Hydrogen Economy pathway is summarised in the briefing document below.

Get in touch with our experts

Richard Sarsfield-Hall - Director & Head of Energy Management Consulting UK, AFRY Management Consulting

Richard Sarsfield-Hall

Director & Head of Energy Management Consulting UK, AFRY Management Consulting

Contact Richard Sarsfield-Hall

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