SCS_Light Bureau

ÅF Lighting nominated for the Danish Lighting Award

The project “Cycle Superhighway: Farum-route” is shortlisted for the Danish Lighting Award 2018 alongside Noma, Lego and the Danish Museum of Science & Technology.

ÅF Lighting is among the final four competing for the Danish Lighting Award. This year, the award honors lighting projects where human experience and ambience play a pivotal role in the final design.

Light Bureau Cycle Superhighway: Farum-route danish light award
Photographer: Christian Ankerstjerne

The idea behind ÅF Lighting’s project was to give the 12 tunnels along the Cycle Superhighway: Farum-route a distinguishable visual identity and to enhance a positive and stimulating experience for the users.

The tunnels consist of two types: box tunnels and column tunnels.  

In the box tunnels, rotating wheels of light are established on the walls. The wheels register movement and the light spins in the same direction as the passing cyclists and pedestrians. The presence of people passing through lingers as the spinning light slowly fades back to static mode, until the next person passes through. This effect is designed to create a feeling of safety by visualizing current and previous presence of others.

In the column tunnels, the spokes of the bicycle wheel are interpreted as distinctive luminous lines on the side walls.

The functional lighting consists of LED luminaires in the ceiling with a defined circular light distribution, which is designed to create a uniform functional lighting in all tunnels with a reference to the bicycle wheel.  

The orange color of light matches the characteristic graphic identity of the Cycle Superhighway Secretariat.

The nominated projects will be evaluated according to technical quality, functionality, visual and aesthetic aspects as well as energy consumption. Emphasis is also placed on innovation and creativity.

The ceremony takes placeJanuary 17th, 2019 in Copenhagen. Read more about the nominated projects HERE.
