ÅF Sound & Vibration teams up with The Conference
ÅF Sound & Vibration teams up with The Conference
The Conference is a two-day conference in Malmö exploring human behavior, new technology and digital trends. It is a yearly event that welcomes speakers and visitors from all over the world. This year ÅF Sound & Vibration has been assigned to develop a sound concept and soundscape as part of a multi-sensory communication strategy.
Much of what is communicated in a conference is not in the content of speeches, but in the way the content is delivered. That is why ÅF Sound & Vibration has been asked to develop a sound concept and a soundscape that convey the values of The Conference.
The soundscape has a strategic, trust-building job to do and should not be mistaken for entertainment. Similar to how graphic guidelines define the complete visual universe, the goal of a sound strategy is to define the audio universe. This multi-sensory approach will give added value for the conference and its visitors.
The foundation of the sound concept is based on geometry and the shapes of the visuals of The Conference. Martin Hallberg, ÅF Sound & Vibration’s Sound Designer and Concept Developer, translated the triangle, the square and the circle to sound waves: sawtooth wave, square wave and sinus wave and chose one instrument from each category. Sawtooth wave became bowed strings, square wave became bass clarinet and sinus wave became a balanced Moog synth sound. All areas are decorated with these instruments. Further sound effects and surprising elements are added to enhance the collage esthetic of The Conference’s overall arrangement.
- The inspiration for the soundscape comes from many different directions. The Alexander McQueen exhibition Savage Beauty, Terry Gilliam’s Monty Python esthetics and the melancholic bass clarinet from Astrid Lindgren written TV-series Vi på Saltkråkan are just some of the inspirational sources , says Martin Hallberg, Sound Designer & Concept Developer.
The sound concept can be heard throughout Malmö Opera, inside and outside. A directional ultra sound speaker are used outside the opera to create a sound tunnel to welcome the participants.
Deliverables include:
- Conceptual work and production
- Soundscape for piazza and mingling areas
- Soundscape for salon
We are proud to work with The Conference on a conscious and controlled sound strategy and look forward to present the work September 4 - 5 in Malmö.
ÅF Sound & Vibration provides expertise consultation in any touchpoint that allows communication using sound.