AFRY supplies Finnish Metsähallitus with a new tactical forestry planning system
Customised specifically for 3.5 million ha of Finland’s state-owned multi-use forests, the tactical planning system will provide more precise and comprehensive insights into their development, climate impacts of forest management and logging prospects. By supporting operational planning, the system significantly improves decision-making in forestry.
Metsähallitus is a state-owned company that manages one third of Finland's land and water areas. Its focus is on ensuring the responsible development of nature's value and shared wealth over generations. Under its business operations, Metsähallitus manages forests while securing timber production, biodiversity, and climate change mitigation and adaptation among other things.
The AFRY Smart Forestry team, providing leading software solutions for forest inventory, forest data management and forest management planning, will deliver the system.
We are very excited to apply our tactical planning solution to Metsähallitus’ needs.
At AFRY, we have extensive experience in applying tactical planning both in Finland and internationally. Tactical optimisation facilitates the reconciliation of the different objectives for forest use while considering the whole supply chain, from the establishment of optimal harvest blocks and the optimisation of forest transport routes to the investments required for forest roads.
We are particularly proud to be part of bringing a whole new level of computational planning to the table with our cloud-based solution that transforms the results of strategic planning into effective practice
, says Jussi Rasinmäki, the head of the AFRY Smart Forestry business unit.
As part of the AFRY Group, AFRY Management Consulting is a leading energy sector, bioindustry and data analytics consultancy with experienced and globally active experts supporting clients through the value chain from strategy development to operational efficiency.
AFRY Smart Forestry business unit has broad expertise in planning the use of forests, helping clients manage their forests sustainably, and achieving the objectives set for them. The unit develops advanced Smart Forestry software products and analytics services based on them, which utilise the latest digital solutions and technologies to map forests and optimise their use in all areas of forestry.