Gladsaxe bat-friendly lighting_Light Bureau 3, vejbelysning, private fællesveje, offentlige stier

Gladsaxe Municipality in Denmark switches to bat-friendly lighting

Red street lighting along Frederiksborgvej is designed to protect biodiversity

Gladsaxe Municipality in Denmark switches to red light to limit behavioural effects on bats and other nocturnal and light-shy species along Frederiksborgvej near Skovbrynet. This design is based on studies on bat-friendly lighting, which show that red light is less disruptive on wildlife while allowing for people to find their way and even maintaining peoples’ dark adaption for nighttime viewing.

“Overall, we hope that everyone welcomes the new lighting and that the red light not only has functional value, but also symbolic value. The red light should make passers-by aware that this is a special natural area that we want to protect,” says Philip Jelvard, Lighting Designer at Light Bureau.

This project is part of Gladsaxe Municipality’s implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals with an aim to take the lead in ensuring the best conditions for both animals, humans and biodiversity.

Read the press release (in Danish)

Gladsaxe bat-friendly street lighting_Light Bureau, vejbelysning, stibelysning, gadelampe, trafikanter, vedligeholdelse
Photographer: Rune Brandt Hermannsson
