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Report on Greek compliance with the EU Target Model

Ed: This article predates November 2019, when ÅF and Pöyry came together as AFRY.

Pöyry has advised the Greek Regulator and the TSO on options to adapt the trading arrangements to be compliant with the European Target Model for cross border trading.

The work considered the existing situation in Greece, with a gross mandatory pool, and identified gaps between this and the Target Model as defined in a collection of (draft) Network Codes and Framework Guidelines. We defined the alternative design options in terms of a series of 'building blocks', and collated these into three options (adaptation of the existing arrangements, a full-blown power exchange model and a hybrid option). We evaluated each of the options against a set of qualitative assessment criteria and outlined a possible pathway to the future market arrangements.

Our findings can be found in the report available below.

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Stephen Woodhouse - Director, AFRY Management Consulting

Stephen Woodhouse

Director, AFRY Management Consulting

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