SEM publishes new report
Ed: This article predates November 2019, when ÅF and Pöyry came together as AFRY.
The SEM Committee has published an independent study carried out by Pöyry on the options for the development of a day-ahead trading solution for the Single Electricity Market (SEM) in Ireland.
The report, completed at the start of February 2011, will help the regulators and industry stakeholders to understand the implications for the SEM of the drive for greater integration of European electricity markets, particularly at the day-ahead stage. As requested by the SEM Committee, Pöyry have described and qualitatively assessed options that were consistent with European developments on day-ahead market integration whilst not fundamentally altering the rules of the SEM. In addition, the report summarises the key features of the target model for market integration, and compares the design of the SEM to other electricity markets in North West Europe.
The report may be downloaded below.