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AFRY is one of Sweden's most attractive employers

Fri, 01/10/2021 - 08:00 CEST

Companies with a clear focus on sustainability and society continue to attract young engineers who want to be involved and influence their future. AFRY is one of the companies that comes high on the list when both young and more experienced engineers get to rank their dream employers. 

Universum's latest survey, where engineers rank the most attractive employers in Sweden, shows that AFRY is strengthening its attractiveness among young professional civil engineers. In this year's survey, AFRY lands in third place when young professional college engineers rank dream employers and in eighth place among young professional civil engineers.

In the same survey, AFRY is ranked best in the industry among engineers with 9 years of experience or more. The survey shows that companies with a clear focus on sustainability and society attract engineers, and they value innovative brands highly. Values ​​that are in line with AFRY's mission to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society.

- We see a stunning diversity of competent professional engineers who want to be involved in creating a more sustainable society, and that competence is now needed more than ever. We are proud that we are ranked high as an employer and that many want to contribute to accelerating the change in society together with us and our clients, says Jonas Gustavsson, CEO of AFRY.

About the survey 

Universum conducts annual surveys to identify Sweden's most attractive employers. In 2021, the survey was answered by 16,627 professional academics. The career survey is Sweden's largest in terms of number of respondents, and also the most comprehensive. 

You can find the survey here: https://universumglobal.com/se/ranking-professionals-2021/ 


AFRY är ett ledande europeiskt företag med global räckvidd inom teknik, design och rådgivning. Vi accelererar omställningen mot ett hållbart samhälle.
Vi är 16 000 hängivna experter inom infrastruktur, industri, energi och digitalisering, som skapar hållbara lösningar för kommande generationer.
Making Future

For further information, please contact:
Louise Gyll, Global Head of Media Relations
+46 70–5151209, louise.gyll@afry.com

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