Woman tying shoelaces, white trainers, yellow jacket

Comment regarding trading halt for ÅF shares

Fri, 10/09/2010 - 14:19 CEST
Jonas Wiström, President/CEO                     +46 (0)70-608 12 20

Viktor Svensson, Director, Corporate Information +46 (0)70-657 20 26

Following the trading halt on the Nasdaq OMX exchange for shares in ÅF and
Prevas, ÅF would like to issue the following information:

- ÅF has considered a bid for Prevas AB, but the necessary conditions for such
an offer do not exist.

Corporate Information

ÅF is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise founded on more than a
century of experience. We offer highly qualified services and solutions for
industrial processes, infrastructure projects and the development of products
and IT systems. Today ÅF has more than 4,000 employees.
Our base is in Europe, but our business and our clients are found all over the

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