Woman tying shoelaces, white trainers, yellow jacket

Nomination Committee for ÅF Pöyry AB (publ) appointed

Fri, 25/09/2020 - 16:00 CEST

The following members have, in accordance with the procedure adopted by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting, been appointed to the ÅF Pöyry Nomination Committee.

Magnus Olofsson, (Chairman of the Nomination Committee) appointed by Stiftelsen ÅForsk

Elisabet Jamal Bergström, appointed by SEB Investment Management

Lilian Fossum Biner, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder

Monica Åsmyr, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder

Niklas Ringby, appointed by EQT Public Value

Anders Narvinger, Chairman of the Board

Shareholders proposals to the nomination committee should be submitted by March 2 2021 by e-mail to agm@afry.com, or by mail, to: ÅF Pöyry AB, Att: Valberedningen, 169 99 Stockholm.

The annual general shareholders meeting will be held at 4 PM Thursday April 29, 2021 at ÅF Pöyry corporate headquarters at Frösundaleden 2a, Solna, Sweden.

For further information, please contact:

The Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Mr Magnus Olofsson +46 706 47 28 83

Corporate Communications
ÅF Pöyry AB (publ)

AFRY is an international engineering, design and advisory company. We support our clients to progress in sustainability and digitalisation. We are 17,000 devoted experts within the fields of infrastructure, industry and energy, operating across the world to create sustainable solutions for future generations.

Making Future.

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