Process Industries
Introduction Process Industries
We support the global process industry in Pulp & Paper, Chemicals, Biobased solutions and biorefining, Mining & Metals, Food & Beverage as well as other process industries. Our global presence makes us the ideal partner when global top-level process technology knowhow combined with local presence is required.
Value chain understanding from raw materials to end-product markets
The whole process industry sector is searching and developing solutions to solve the challenges related to overall efficiency and sustainability. The transformation of the businesses especially in Pulp & Paper sector and fossil-based chemicals and oil refining sector have encouraged us to innovate new solutions for example in digital solutions, environmental and health and safety as well as in overall efficiency including raw-material, energy and water efficiency.
Our service offering covers the whole lifecycle and value chain of clients’ business. We serve our clients from early strategic development phases to big CAPEX implementation projects and to operational phase support.
Our unique combination of process technology specialist skills and multidisciplinary engineering expertise enables us to provide real value add to our clients in all kind of studies, implementation projects as well as during daily operations of the industrial plant. Environmental, Health and Safety and other consulting assignments are done in co-operation with process technology specialist to enable the big picture and correlations with processes.
AFRY is ranked #3 in Industrial Processes, #1 in Pulp & Paper, #1 in Food & Beverages, #2 in Chemicals (non-petroleum) #7 in Mining, and as #8 in steel and non-ferrous metals. (Source: A2022 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Global Sourcebook)
Our key competences:
- Pulp & Paper, Forest Industry
- Biobased solutions like biorefining
- Textile fibres & recycling
- Chemical Industry
- Mining & Metals
- Food & Beverage
- Other process industries

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