Downstream view of Vau i Dejes hydropower dam

Albania: KESH Restructuring – Climate Risk Management

The main training requirements of KESH in the field of climate risk management were identified in a workshop and were compiled into a detailed implementation plan.

In a Twinning and Exchange Programme, conducted by experts of the Swiss utility KWO, KESH gained insight into the systems and processes used for hydro-meteorological data processing, climate risk management, hydrological modelling and hydropower operation at a large European hydropower operator.

In the main component of the assignment, the capacity building program, AFRY provided know-how, tools and models for improved use and management of hydro-meteorological data. The application of this knowledge was trained and tested during a series of workshops and seminars. Based on the identified needs of KESH and the improved capacity in handling hydro-meteorological information, a Climate Risk Management Plan was developed.

Albania: KESH Restructuring – Climate Risk Management

Climate Risk Management Plan

The Climate Risk Management Plan developed for KESH is structured around 5 thematic chapters:

  • Introduction: The boundaries of the CRMP are defined and the CRMP process is introduced.
  • Climate of the Drin Basin: The current and future climate of the Drin Basin are described and a climate stress test is performed. Projections of future hydrological conditions in the Drin Basin are given for different time horizons.
  • Climate Risks & Opportunities: The risks and opportunities for KESH arising from a changing climate are assessed.
  • Adaptation Measures to be taken by KESH for mitigation of the risks (and exploitation of the opportunities) are listed. They include structural and non-structural measures.
  • Implementation: The framework for implementation and monitoring of the plan is described. It also includes an implementation schedule in which the adaptation measures are prioritized. Also preliminary estimates of the investment needs are given.

Facts about the project

Client: KESH - Korporata Elektroenergjitike Shqiptare. Albania’s largest electricity generator, operating a 1350 MW hydropower cascade on the Drin River.

EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

  • Initial Scoping Phase
  • Twinning and Exchange Programme (with KWO)
  • Capacity Building and Technical Skills Transfer
  • Sector outreach process for collaboration with other relevant stakeholders
  • Support design and development of a Climate Risk Management
  • Plan for KESH

Execution period: 07/2017 – 12/2018

Location: Albania

Philipp Stanzel - Hydrology, Flood Forecast, Climate Impact Research
Philipp Stanzel
Hydrology, Flood Forecast, Climate Impact Research

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