Tele2 Arena

Arenas - Tele2 Arena

Tele2 Arena

Tele2 Arena, inaugurated in 2013, is one of the world’s most modern multi-arenas, with state of the art free wifi, 600 digital screens, StadiumVision technology, sliding roof, transparent facade and the first row of benches only six metres away from the sideline. It was named ”Arena of the Year” 2014 in The Stadium Business Awards, in competition with world arenas such as Madison Square Gardens in New York and Wembley in London. Tele2 Arena meets UEFA’s and FIFA’s international football requirements. Its audience capacity is 30,000 for sporting events and 40,000 for concerts.

Here AFRY has been in charge of rebuilding the irrigation system for the grass surface, and the drawing up of proposals for rebuilding the tap water system, which later led to construction documents for the re-routing of water pipes.

AFRY has also been involved in the verification and certification of Tele2 Arena according to the Miljöbyggnad Silver building certification system.

Client: Tele2 Arena, Stockholm
Period: 2016-2018
AFRYs role: Rebuild of irrigation system and tap water system. Verification and certification according the building certification system Miljöbyggnad Silver.


Photo: Stockholm Live


Ulf Gustavsson - CDO Affärsområde Buildings Sverige

Ulf Gustavsson

CDO Business Area Buildings Sweden

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