Innovative office lighting inspires new ideas and reflects King’s playful image.
King Office in Stockholm, Sweden
In central Stockholm, gaming company King has moved into an unconventional office, with many customized solutions and a good dose of magic. It is a naturalistic environment, reflecting that of the games produced here.
As soon as you step inside King’s office, you are met with greenery. Nature has made its way into the city and the concrete jungle meets the forest. Following natural light conditions and its contrasts between dark and light, the lighting creates an atmosphere that enhances feelings.
At the heart of the building is a large skylight, surrounded by low-ceilinged spaces spreading deep into the building. Some rooms lack windows to the outside entirely.
The central area has been transformed into an indoor forest. Light and sound effects change with the seasons, and dynamic projections mimic the movement of the sun. Here is an interactive video projected stream, with ripple effects, ice cracking and animals fleeing the feet of passers-by.
- What we have essentially done is bring the four seasons into the building, along with the unique cold and warm contrast of Scandinavian natural light, says Tobias Olsson, concept specialist and lighting designer. The idea is for employees to be able to enjoy, for instance, the perfect light of spring at any time, regardless of the season.
Throughout the office there is close interplay between architecture, interior design and lighting. The lighting solutions are characterized by a high level of quality, visual comfort, reliability and flexibility for future technology and a finely tuned balance between sustainability, function and aesthetics.
Standard lighting solutions have been scrupulously avoided. There are no ceiling-mounted luminaries dispersing an even number of lux over the area. Instead, light is mostly distributed onto walls and pillars which enhances navigation and creates openness.
- We wanted to create a diffuse light that emanates from the surroundings, make the ceilings appear bright, and utilize the pillars to spread a vertical light, something which you would normally get from windows, says Tobias Olsson.
In the office areas, the lighting has been designed to meet staff needs in terms of mobility and personal preference. Therefore, all lighting for floors, walls and desks can be adjusted in terms of position as well as light level. This also goes for the custom-designed luminaire, reminiscent of a fishing rod, which is mounted on moveable workstations.
Although the lighting solutions vary a great deal throughout the space, they are unified by the strong concept and a Scandinavian aesthetic. The result is a human-centric environment conducive to calm, productivity and creativity.
The project was realized in close colaboration with interior design firm Adolfsson & Partners. With the lighting design for King's office K36, Light Bureau were rewarded the Swedish Lighting Award 2016.