Komatsu Forest One
Industrial building flirts with Japanese design
AFRY Ark Studio is responsible for architecture and design when the world's largest manufacturer of forest machines makes a big investment and builds a CO2-neutral factory in Umeå.
The new Komatsu Forest One factory in Umeå with accompanying office building, totalling 40,000 m2, is one of Sweden's largest industrial investments. The building should shine through and connect to the forest, while the architectural style flirts with traditional Japanese design. Key words are wood, verticality and greenery.
Certification services for low environmental impact throughout the life cycle
Komatsu Forest, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of forest machinery, is investing heavily in the building of a future-proofed factory on the western outskirts of Umeå. The facility focuses strongly on sustainability and the IoT and will offer CO2-neutral production.
AFRY Ark Studio is supplying environmentally certified services that will take environmental impact into account throughout the facility’s life cycle and thus contribute to Komatsu Forest's ambitious sustainability goals.

Client: Byggherre Komatsu Forest AB
Project: Komatsu Forest One
Year: 2019-2021
AFRYs role: Design av ny industribyggnad med höga krav på hållbarhet och formspråk
Competences: Project management, planning management, architecture, internal design
Consultants: Projektledare Per Lindahl, Projekteringsledare Olov Johansson, Arkitekt Staffan Lindahl, Joanna Artemiuk, A-ingenjörer Daniel Degerström, Ida Åkerstedt, Tobias Strömberg, inredningsarkitekt Viveca Bernhardsson