Public housing company minimize climate footprint through AI in Stockholm, Sweden
Housing of the future supports residents in making climate-smart choices through AI
Public housing company minimize climate footprint through AI and a chatbot that promotes sustainable choices for its residents
AFRY is providing the public housing company Tornet with sustainability and digital solutions through interdisciplinary collaborations in the Tallbohov Electric Village project in Stockholm, Sweden. Tallbohov Electric Village is a pilot project that is at the forefront of energy and heating solutions for the energy systems of the future. The Electric Village project is also aligned to the requirements of the Paris Agreement and that of Agenda 2030.
The project is funded with research grants from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. Part of this exciting cutting-edge project are various sustainability specialists, environmental engineers, artificial intelligence engineers, computer scientists, designers and behavioral scientists from AFRY, all there to create residential buildings that supports and encourages a sustainable lifestyle for its residents.

Digital platform for a sustainable lifestyle
In order to encourage its residents to make climate-smart decisions, the application Torna has been developed. Torna connects the climate impact from each residents energy use, it has a smart and multilingual chatbot that suggests sustainable options, in terms of travel, waste handling and recycling and Torna can even suggest when it is most climate-smart to do laundry. The recommendations Torna makes are adapted to the residents' lifestyle patterns and indicates throughout the day when the electricity have a higher or lower climate footprint.
Energy system controlled by artificial intelligence
Tornets’ energy system is flexible and can quickly change energy source to provide a low climate footprint with lower greenhouse gas emissions. The system consists of hybrid solar panels in combination with geothermal heat pumps, geoenergy storage and district heating as well as storage of electricity.
AFRY has developed an AI agent with the objective of lowering the climate footprint of residential buildings, firstly by actively estimating and reducing CO2 by controlling heating and water use and production of electricity of the energy system and secondly, by nudging the tenants towards a more sustainable lifestyle aided by the application Torna.

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