Waste-to-Energy Carbon Capture study for Westenergy, Finland
Waste-to-Energy carbon capture: a techno-economic study
Westenergy own and operate a modern Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant in the west of Finland. They wanted to know how a WtE plant could work as a carbon sink and how the different carbon capture systems complement the existing process.
AFRY were able to leverage their extensive WtE experience and 10+ years of expert understanding of CCUS technologies to deliver a techo-economic study of 4 different carbon capture technologies which included:
- Power plant model
- Simulation of generalized capture models for each technology and assessment of impact on Plant
- Budget enquires to process licensors and generation of models with their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
- CAPEX and OPEX estimates and levelized cost of capture
- Preparation of evaluation model to rank the technologies.
The conclusion provided Westenergy with a firm understanding of the technologies, their features, risks and maturity whilst also assessing the impact on the WtE plant’s power and heat sales.

Project Facts
- Client : Westenergy, Finland
- Plant description: Waste-to-Energy – 200,000 ton/y of source separated municipal solid waste
- Project: Techno-economic assessment of four carbon capture technologies
- CO₂ capture target: Annual capture of 210 kton/y
- Project duration: May to mid October 2020
Services provided
- Project management
- Technical process concepts and simulations
- Power plant balances with and without capture
- Preparation of cost estimates and levelized cost of capture
- Evaluation criteria
AFRY was selected from a number of consultants to complete this work. Commenting for a press release, Juha Ripatti, Head of Business Intelligence at Westenergy, said that “Looking at the results, I’m very satisfied with our choice! Our Consultant, Alejandro Nocito, did an outstanding, in-depth job and our collaboration was an excellent experience.

From waste-to-energy to a carbon sink?
Did you know?
AFRY has been at the forefront of CCS work for over 10 years and we have undertaken more than 30 projects for policy makers, industry groups and developers.
Waste to energy is one of our key areas of expertise. AFRY has had a substantial role in the design and construction of 135 WtE plants worldwide, with total capacity of more than 20 million tonnes per annum.