
Chemical safety permitting (Seveso)

Multidisciplinary expertise for chemical safety permitting

The requirements of chemical safety legislation apply to all establishment handling and storing of hazardous chemicals which are classified as hazardous according to CLP Regulation. In calculating the amounts of chemicals, the highest amounts of chemicals present or likely to be present at the plant, shall be taken into consideration.

The type and quantity of chemicals affect the plant's chemical safety permitting obligations. Chemical safety permit is required if the operations of the facility is considered as large scale operations. Permitting requirements and the category of the facility's operations can be determined with chemical ratio calculation.

When engineering a new establishment, it is important to assess potential hazards and risks posed by the operations, determine safety distances and take them into account in siting the plant. Safety distances also have an effect on the plant layout. Consequence analysis is required for upper tier facilities and other facilities if there are sensitive facilities/areas nearby (e.g. school, nature reserve) or the facility is located in an industrial area and the potential accident can pose a risk to a neighboring facility.

AFRY offers following services with multidisciplinary expertise for chemical safety permitting for all lifecycle phases of the facility:

  • Chemical safety ratio calculation to determine permitting requirements
  • Chemical safety permits, notifications and updates
  • Major accident hazard (MAH) assessment
  • Consequence analyses and land use planning review
    • Numerical modelling of hazards, their consequences and zoning situation
  • Major Accident Hazard Prevention policy (MAPP)
  • Safety report
  • Internal emergency plan
  • Support in external emergency plan
  • Explosion protection document (EPD)
  • Various risk analyses and safety audits
  • Development of safety management systems
Anna Savunen - Head of Global HSE Services
Anna Savunen
Head of Global HSE Services

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Outi Tuovinen
Director, HSE

Interested in Chemical safety permitting (Seveso)?

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