Test and measurement services
Versatile measurement services for industrial and energy production processes
AFRY offers a wide range of test and measurement services for processes within energy production and industry. We have offered versatile measurement services for over 50 years, which is why our expertise is relied upon globally.
For customers who need to verify the performance of their assets from a regulatory or a business perspective, we offer expertise in planning and executing measurement campaigns and interpreting the results. Our third-party reports can be used to determine reliable performance or settle potential guarantee disputes.
We offer our assistance within product testing and development for a variety of industries including boiler or engine manufacturing.
Condition monitoring measurements help to provide a reliable basis for revision planning and lifetime cost optimisation.

Reliable results through experience
Internationally renowned, best in class services
AFRY’s modern and reliable measurement equipment, calculation tools and analytics, combined with a unique understanding of our customers’ processes produce best in class results.
Our services include:
- accredited emission measurements
- power plant performance guarantee tests
- condition monitoring for boilers and turbine noise measurements
- vibration measurements
- wind energy measurements

Decades of experience from a wide variety of power plant and process industry tests
We perform in excess of 150 projects around the globe, annually.
- Guarantee Tests
- Condition testing and analysis
- PV testing
- Noise Measurements
As we cater to such a wide array of customers, we serve a variety of plants as well as customers with ship power trains or needs for verification, condition monitoring or reliable design values.
Plants we service include CHP plants (bark, peat, biomass, WtE, HFO, LFO etc.) as well as steam and gas turbine, pulp, paper, pellets, cement and chemical plants, amongst others.
Discover and solve problems pro-actively, by making informed decisions on overhaul schedules, based on data and forecasting.

Versatile measurement services for industrial and energy production processes
For emission measurements, our teams run a testing T062 laboratory (accreditation requirement SFS-EN ISO/IEC 17025), which is accredited for flue and process gas measurements by FINAS, the Finnish Accreditation Service.
AFRY’s accredited reference methods encompass, for example, the following emission measurements:
- particles
- oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
- carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
- hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride
- hydrocarbons
- ammonia
- PCDD/F and PCB compounds
- mercury and metals
- QAL-2 and AST measurements
- oxygen and moisture content of flue gas and volume flow

We also assess the following:
- odorous sulphur compounds (both TRS and separate compounds)
- chlorophenoles and PAH compounds
- chlorine and chlorine dioxide
- fine particles (PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10)
- filterable and condensable particulate matter.
Our expertise is, in addition, utilised in process optimisations, combustion tests of new fuels, development of emission measurement systems and emission calculations.

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