The Nordic electricity market and the increasing importance of location, location, location
From: 29-October-2020
To: 29-October-2020
2020 has been an extreme year for the Nordic electricity market, with the NordPool system monthly average price well below 10 €/MWh for six months in a row. Prices in some areas were around 1.5 €/MWh for 11 weeks running, while other areas saw 25-35 €/MWh over the same weeks.
Is 2020 an example of “the perfect storm” or a sign of the “new normal” in the Nordics? What are the implications for RES developers and investors in the region?
In this webinar Geir Brønmo and Kathrine Stene Bakke from AFRY’s Oslo office address these questions, and also discuss the impact of the weather and the increasing importance of detailed modelling at price area level.
The slide pack and recording are below.
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