thinking young woman between high buildings

AFRY Future Stars info sessions (in English)


From: 01-joulukuu-2022 10:00 EET To: 01-joulukuu-2022 10:30 EET

AFRY Future Stars info sessions

Are you interested in applying to AFRY as a student? Come and hear about the AFRY Future Stars programme. In this virtual event you can ask questions related to the application process and listen to current trainees' as well as former Future Stars trainees' career paths at AFRY. Register for the info sessions beforehand!

thinking young woman between high buildings

AFRY Future Stars info sessions in English

Info session in December: 1.12.2022 10.00-10.30
  • Presenters: Mary Heibati (AFRY Future Stars trainee, Sustainable Architecture, Tampere University), Virpi Saranpää (Thesis Worker, Chemical Engineering, Aalto University), Siiri Kalliovalkama (AFRY Future Stars trainee, Management Consulting/Bioindustry, Industrial Management, Tampere University), Laura Ajanki (Structural Engineer, Civil Engineering, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences), Kaisa Kvick (Energy Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology)

Watch the recording from the first info session in November

Young AFRY employee

AFRY Future Stars programme in Finland