Poznaj nasze historie
Jak to jest być częścią AFRY?
Oto kilka głosów z Grupy AFRY
Karolina Pamp Sandgren
Strategist Combined Mobility
“I never fear the future, I run straight into it”
Petri Vasara
Head of Concept Development
"To me, engineers are miracle workers"
Azadeh Rezvani
Geotechnical Engineer
“I believe that with our knowledge and brave decisions we will be able to take our sustainability work to the next level"
Young-A Kang
Landscape architect
“The challenge is to take advantage of the natural conditions and reconcile these with the technical demands of a modern railway”
Nima Goniband
Software Engineer
"The consultancy role itself is interesting since there are always new challenges around the corner and the risk of being stuck in an unfulfilling position is slim."
Zain Nadra
Mechanical Engineer within HVAC
"AFRY are giving me my steps to the future. Here, I get to work within my field of expertise, and I develop and learn something new every day."
Martin Kihlman
Process engineer
"I am both happy and proud to be a part of the transition that is now taking place in the industry"