A man and a woman standing on a rooftop looking out over the city

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is appointed by the shareholders to govern and monitor the company.

The work of the Board revolves mostly around strategic issues, business plans, budgeting, accounts and acquisitions, in addition to other decisions which, under the company's rules for decision-making, are dealt with by the Board.

Every ordinary Board meeting follows the agenda set out in the Board's formal work plan, which includes a report from the CEO, a financial report and various strategic matters. The Board appoints the CEO. The Board has three appointed committees comprised by members of the Board: the Audit Committee, the Remuneration Committee and Project Committee.

The Board members and the Chairman of the Board are nominated by the Nomination Committee for the election by the Annual General Meeting each year.

Tom Erixon -

Tom Erixon

Chairman of the Board and Chair of the Remuneration and the Project Committees

Elected: 2021
Born: 1960
Education: Master of Law from Lund University, Sweden and MBA in Business Administration from IESE, Spain
Current position and other significant duties: President and CEO of Alfa Laval and Chairman of the Board of Teknikföretagen.
Professional experience: President and CEO of the Ovako Group, President of Sandvik Coromant, Managing Partner for Boston Consulting Group and Practice Leader Industrial Goods.
Shareholding: 50,272 B shares

Henrik Ehrnrooth - Director

Henrik Ehrnrooth

Director and member of the Remuneration Committee and Project Committee

Elected: 2019
Born: 1954
Education: M.Sc. in Forest Economics from the University of Helsinki and a B.B.A. from the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki.
Current position and other significant duties: Chairman of the Board of Otava Group, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Climate Leadership Coalition and a Board member of the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
Previous Professional experience: CEO of Pöyry, Chairman of the Board of YIT Corporation and Caverion Corporation.
Shareholding: 3,515,996 B shares through Corbis S.A.

Neil McArthur -

Neil McArthur

Director and member of the Project Committee

Elected: 2021
Born: 1961
Education: MBA - INSEAD, BSc Hons Civil Engineering, University of Glasgow and CEng MIMechE
Current position and other significant duties: Senior partner within Energy division at Oliver Wyman.
Professional experience: CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Arcadis N.V., Executive Board Member, Senior Vice President and Managing Director Europe at Booz & Company and several Project Management positions within Shell International Petroleum Exploration & Production.
Shareholding: 19,684 B shares

Kristina Schauman - Styrelseledamot och ordförande i revisionsutskottet

Kristina Schauman

Director and Chair of the Audit Committee

Elected: 2012
Born: 1965
Education: MBA, Stockholm School of Economics
Current position and other significant duties: Board member of BEWi ASA, Ahlstrom Oyi, Vionlabs AB, DanAds Internaional AB, Reeda Capital Management AB. Member of Nasdaq Stockholm Disciplinary Committee.
Professional experience: Board member of Coor Service Management Holding AB, Viaplay and Ellos Group Holding AB, CFO of OMX, Carnegie and Apoteket AB, CEO of Apoteket AB and Group Treasurer of Investor AB.
Shareholding: 8,000 B shares

Tuula Teeri -

Tuula Teeri


Elected: 2022
Born: 1957
Education: Ph.D., Genetics, University of Helsinki, 1987
Current position and other significant duties: President, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA); Board member (Vice chair) of the ÅForsk Foundation and Stockholm University; Chair of The European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering (Euro-CASE); Member of the Academic Research Council in Singapore and member and vice-chairman of Stockholm University's board.
Professional experience: President, Aalto University, Finland; Board member of the Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA) and Research Institute of Finnish Economy (ETLA); Pro Vice Chancellor, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
Shareholding: -

Magnus Heimburg -

Magnus Heimburg

Director and member of the Audit Committee

Elected: 2024
Born: 1967
Education: B.Sc in Economics, Lund University
Current position and other significant duties: Currently CEO and board member of Preem AB. Prior to that, Magnus has been financial director at Perstorp Holding AB and Preem AB and has held a number of senior positions within Swedish Match and Scanem.
Shareholding: 5 000 B shares

Jenny Larsson -

Jenny Larsson


Elected: 2024
Born: 1973
Education: Master's degree in environmental and water engineering, Uppsala University
Current position and other significant duties: Nordic President at Bilfinger since 2024, and board member of JM AB and Vectura Fastigheter AB. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and a member of the Energy Development Board at the Swedish Energy Agency. Previously, CEO and board member of Schneider Electric Sverige AB, CEO of Hitachi Energy Sweden AB and ABB Power Grids Sweden AB, and held several senior positions within Vattenfall.
Shareholding: -

Åsa Pettersson -

Åsa Pettersson

Director and member of the Audit Committee

Elected: 2024
Born: 1975
Education: Master in political science, Lund University
Current position and other significant duties: Currently CEO of Energiföretagen Sverige - Swedenergy - AB and a board member of VTI Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, the ÅForsk Foundation and Eurelectric. She is also a deputy board member of Energibranschens Förhandlings- och Arbetsgivarservice i Stockholm AB (EFA) and Energiforsk AB. Åsa was previously Head of Public Affairs & Sustainability at Scania and has held a number of senior positions within Vattenfall.
Shareholding: -

Employee representatives

Jessica Åkerdahl - Deputy Director, employee representative

Jessica Åkerdahl

Director, employee representative

Elected: 2019
Born: 1974
Education: Engineer
Current position: Employed in Division Process Industries.
Shareholding: -

Bodil Werkström -

Bodil Werkström

Director, employee representative

Elected: 2021
Born: 1975
Education: Bachelor´s degree in civil engineering
Current position: Employed in Division Infrastructure
Shareholding: -

Stefan Hellqvist -

Stefan Hellqvist

Deputy employee representative

Elected: 2024
Born: 1967
Education: M. Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg
Current position: Employed in Division Industrial & Digital Solutions
Shareholding: -

Vilhelm Örtendahl -

Vilhelm Örtendahl

Deputy employee representative

Elected: 2023
Born: 1965
Education: YTH Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
Current position: Employed in Division Industrial & Digital Solutions

Shareholding: -