Job application guide
AFRY’s guide to your next job
Whether you have just applied for a position at AFRY, or are curiously keeping your eyes open for career opportunities in general, we hope this page will help you get one step closer to your dream job.
We know that searching for a job can be a challenge, and we want to help by guiding you through the different stages of the process. On this page, we provide you with information about AFRY’s general recruitment principles and processes. Further down on this page, we have collected our recruiters’ best advice for job search. The guide includes how to write a good CV, prepare for an interview, and use LinkedIn for job search.
AFRY Recruitment Principles
To meet our long term recruitment needs we have a structured recruitment process with a focus on inclusion and long term relationships. This ambition is compiled in AFRY Recruitment Principles.

We value diversity and are convinced that a diversified workplace makes our company more competetive. We aim to fight our unconcious bias and challenge preconceived opinions with support from a structured recruitment process.
Long term relationships
Our ambition is to have a transparent and structured process of high quality in all steps, with ongoing communication. For long term relationships, we always aim to give a clear and honest picture of life at AFRY.
Candidate experience
Our employer brand is very important for our long term growth and it is highly affected by the way we interact with our candidates. By receiving feedback from our candidates we are able to continuously develop our process.
Recruiter’s guide for job search
- Introduction
- Recruiter’s guide to LinkedIn
- Recruiter’s guide to a good CV
- Recruiter’s guide to a good interview
We know that searching for a job can be challenging. It demands your time and effort, and the competitive job market can be both intimidating and exhausting. But we are here to help you. We have collected our recruiter's best advice for the different important parts of the job search process.
Let these tips guide you in your current or future job application.

Recruiter’s guide to LinkedIn
If you are looking for a new job, LinkedIn is a great platform to use. In this video our recruiter Anna Strebel, who has been named Top Social Recruiter in the Nordic region by Linkedin, shares her best advice for using the platform for job search.
Recruiter’s guide to a good CV
One of the most important parts of the job search process is the one where you sit down and try to describe your experiences, skills and characteristics in words. It’s not an easy task – we all find it challenging – but getting this part right is crucial to get to the next step of the recruitment process. No need to say: writing a good CV is important!
As a recruiter, there are certain things I know that I should look for when receiving a new application. I’ve learned that many people are insecure about how to prioritise when writing their resumes – how personal should it be, do I have to write down everything I’ve ever worked with and how do I explain gaps in in my career? Listed below are my best tips for a good CV – read it through and let it guide you when it’s time to apply for your next job.
Why are you interested in this role?
Today, a cover letter is not as common as a requirement in a recruitment process as it was a couple of years ago. Although, the recruiter probably still wonders why you are applying for a certain role and what you want to do next – and why. Including two or three sentences about your interests, your goal or why you are applying for a specific role or to a certain company, is often appreciated and a very good introduction to your description of your career.
So, don’t leave out the personal part, even if there is no demand for a cover letter!

The big question: picture or no picture?
A picture of you might make the CV more personal, but it also takes the attention from your competences. The person reading your application may spend time wondering about your choice of clothes in the picture instead of focusing on your experiences and what you have learned and achieved during your career. And remember: your looks has nothing to do with your competence and ability to perform well in this role.
So, the big question: picture or no picture? Well, it’s actually up to you. If you decide to use a picture, make sure to choose one that shows who you are in a simple and professional way, and that mirrors your personality. Not to forget – choose a picture only of yourself, even if you adore your kids and pets.
Use relevant key words
Today it is important to use terms in your CV that you know are being used within your competence area. These key words are being used by the recruiter when she/he is searching for profiles in different databases or for example on Linkedin. By using these key words, your profile will be a better match to what the recruiter is looking for, which in turn will increase your chances of getting the job you really want!
How much should you write?
Your resume can easily become too long when you’re keen to describe as many aspects of yourself as possible. But remember to stay relevant – be short and precise and focus on what’s most important.
Point out the main tasks in your roles, what you have been responsible for and participated in when you describe your work experiences. Make sure not to use too many words – a helpful advice here is to only mention what has been your focus area and what is actually relevant for the role you are interested in.
Describe your most recent roles in more detail and write only the basics about your earlier experience; job title, company and time period. If you are in the beginning of your career, your resume shouldn’t be longer than one page. If you have a long work experience you probably need more space, but try to narrow it down to a maximum of two pages.
Make the recruiter curious about you!

Explain the gaps in your career
It’s not unusual to have periods in your life when you are not working, and the reason for that can of course vary. If you have a gap in your career, try to explain what you did during this time. For example, if you traveled around the world for six months, write it down. If you’ve been away from work for a period of time due to illness, it’s of course up to you how much you want to share – but be prepared in case the recruiter is curious.
Remember that we are all human and sometimes we don’t feel well, and a good recruiter will not and should not judge based on your health. Being open about what you did during gaps in your CV allows the recruiter to get a more clear picture of both your career path and the choices you have made.
Written by Sofia Wigzell,
Group Manager Recruitment at AFRY

You have written and submitted your application, and it was a success – you got an interview!
Now it’s time to prepare for the next step, and it’s a big one, because the job interview is one of the most important parts of the process. This is your chance to show the employer your potential and that you are the right person for the position.
As recruiters, we know that job interviews can be intimidating. But don’t worry; good preparations will take you a long way. Here are our ultimate tips on how to prepare for your interview.

Seeking job as a newcomer - Three useful tips
Are you in the process of finding a new job, in another country than your country of origin? Sofia Klingberg, Inclusion and Diversity Manager at AFRY, shares some useful advice that can come in handy when you are looking for your next job.
These can be applied to all areas of competence and all sectors, regardless if you are an engineer or not. It’s all about competence, network and positive attitude!

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