two women in front of a laptop, laughing

Policies & Management System


Quick links: Code of Conduct | ISO certificates | Health Safety Environment Quality Policy | Business Partner Criteria | Sustainability Policy | Compliance and Ethics Policy | Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement | Information and IT Security Policy | People Policy | Risk Management Policy

AFRY's ambition is to safeguard successful, long-term, sustainable development both for us and our clients

Cornerstones for empowering this ambition are our policies that serve as introductions to the compliance levels for quality, environment, health and safety - levels that are in line with all relevant legislation, our own and our client’s requirements and expectations. To facilitate policy empowered operations, AFRY has implemented a management system focusing on quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety management.

Policies at AFRY

AFRY has a number of policies and guidelines related to the sustainability work. The AFRY Code of Conduct, a compilation of rules and guidelines, forms the basis for our activities and for our relations with our clients, business partners, employees and other stakeholders. The AFRY Code of Conduct applies equally to both employees and the AFRY’s Board of Directors.

Code of Conduct

AFRY Code of Conduct describes AFRY's company values and what is considered ethical business practices. It outlines the general guidelines that form the basis for our activities and for our relations with our clients, business partners, employees and other stakeholders.

If you want to report a violation of our Code of Conduct or Business partner Criteria you can submit a report through the Listen Up reporting line.

Compliance and Ethics Policy

Select your preferred language version of the AFRY Compliance and Ethics Policy or go [back to top

Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement

Select your preferred language version of the AFRY Human Rights and Modern Slavery Statement or go [back to top

Information and IT Security Policy

Select your preferred language version of the AFRY Information and IT Security Policy or go [back to top

People Policy

Select your preferred language version of the AFRY People Policy or go [back to top]

Risk Management Policy

Select your preferred language version of the AFRY Risk Management Policy or go [back to top