Woman tying shoelaces, white trainers, yellow jacket

Invitation to ÅF’s Capital Markets Day on November 20, 2018

Wed, 17/10/2018 - 13:00 CEST

ÅF invites analysts, investors and media to join the ÅF management for a Capital Markets Day at the ÅF headquarters in Solna-Stockholm on November 20 between 9.30 am and 1.00 pm.

During the course of the day we will present ÅF’s strategy and the journey ahead. We will also give you a financial review and insights into focus areas.

Agenda for the day:

9.00 am - 9.30 Coffee and registration
9.30 am - 1.00 Presentations
1.00 am - 1.30 Lunch
From 1.30 One-to-one interviews with management

Presentations will be in English. A summarizing film together with ppt-presentations will be available on www.afconsult.com afterwards.

To confirm your attendance please register at www.afconsult.com/capitalmarketsday before November 10.

For further information please contact:
Helena Järnbrink, Executive Assistant        +46 722 380 434

Corporate Communication
ÅF AB (publ)

ÅF is an engineering and design company within the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. We create sustainable solutions for the next generation through talented people and technology. We are based in Europe and our business and clients are found all over the world.

ÅF – Making Future.

ÅF AB (publ), SE-169 99 Stockholm, Sweden
Visitors’ address: Frösundaleden 2, 169 70 Solna, Sweden
Tel. +46 10 505 00 00   Fax +46 10 505 00 10
www.afconsult.com / info@afconsult.com
Corporate ID number 556120-6474

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