AFRY on Allbright’s green list
A recognition for gender balance in the management team
Today, Allbright's annual review of gender equality in Sweden's listed companies is published. AFRY has achieved a relatively even gender distribution in the management group (40/60) and has therefore placed itself on Allbright's green list.
Every year, Allbright ranks listed companies from best to worst in promoting women to the management team. The more equal companies are listed on Allbright's green list, the mediocre companies on the yellow list and the male-dominated ones on the red list.
-Research shows that groups with an even gender balance are more innovative and more likely to make informed decisions. With our focus on delivering sustainable engineering and design solutions, AFRY also includes a gender perspective, for instance in assignments for future cities. Therefore, we continue to strive for an even gender distribution throughout the company, says Marie Trogstam, Head of Sustainability at AFRY.
Allbright's report can be downloaded here, in Swedish only.
More information about the Allbright foundation, in English.