A photo of laboratory staff in a medical production facility

AFRY on antibiotic production assignment in Norway

AFRY on antibiotic production assignment for the Norwegian Directorate of Health

Norwegian Directorate of Health, Helsedirektoratet, is an authority working with advisory and implementation of regulations in the health sector. Now, AFRY works on an assignment for the Norwegian Directorate of Health, with the purpose of analysing technical and economic conditions for building an antibiotic production facility in Norway.

Production of pharmaceuticals and medicine can help improve countries' preparedness. The production of antibiotics is advanced and requires both facilities and expertise, but so far there are no facilities that produce antibiotics in Norway. AFRY is, together with Emtunga and Menon Economics, currently performing technical and economic analyses for the Norwegian Directorate of Health, as part of a feasibility study. The purpose of the study is to map out the conditions for building up an antibiotic production facility in Norway.

In the study, operation- and construction costs are taken into consideration, as well as analyses of the market and sales for the antibiotics being produced. The study will look at several alternatives and for each case conduct a sustainability analysis, with an initial calculation of the climate footprint and emissions from the intended factory.

“We are proud to be able to support Helsedirektoratet within this investment in healthcare. It is great that the Norwegian government supports the development of Life science and that AFRY can participate and contribute through this exciting project”, says Ida Rees, Project Manager, AFRY.


The feasibility study will be a basis for decisions in the Norwegian Parliament, Stortinget, at the turn of the year 2021-2022.