AFRY most popular employer among researchers
AFRY is once again ranked as the most popular employer when researchers in Sweden select potential employers. In its annual survey, Framtidens Forskning has asked 700 researchers in Sweden to rank potential employers that they could consider working for and 28 percent of the respondents choose AFRY. Astra Zeneca and Volvo Group come soon after, with 27 and 25 percent respectively.
The survey was conducted in early May 2021 against a random sample of researchers in the academy. The results are based on answers from about 700 researchers who have answered the question "Which of the following research-intensive companies could you imagine working for?".
Sustainability, digitalisation, and collaboration run as a common thread through AFRY's operations. There is a broad perspective and the work spans everything from digitalisation in the industry to smart housing and how we plan our cities to create good living environments for people around the world.
AFRY has a strong connection to academia and research through its foundation and co-owner, Åforsk, which contributes to research projects every year. In addition, AFRY collaborates with the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA.
The strategy for continuing to be a leading innovative company is about collaborating with research and attracting researchers and experts, who work with a purposeful transformation where AFRY helps the company's customers to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society.
- Our company is on a journey where we are moving towards packaging our own expertise in innovative solutions. AFRY works with large complex projects in segments where we can be a leader, complemented by digitization and sustainability. We have identified the following areas: infrastructure, bio-industry, clean energy, food & life science, says Jonas Gustavsson, CEO of AFRY.
Many people choose companies based on the fact that they want to contribute to a better society. We are guided by good values and live as we learn. In addition, those who work here have the opportunity to participate in large interdisciplinary projects where they get to work with the latest technologies. We have a melting pot of skills because we work with everything from drone technology in Antarctica to the electrification of the automotive industry.
Our customers are looking for sustainable solutions. And to help them, we need to collaborate even more with the academy because technology solutions, research, and innovation together contribute to better sustainability, says Jonas Gustavsson.
The magazine and online magazine Framtidens Forskning are produced by NextMedia, in collaboration with the Foundation for Strategic Research. The statistical margin of error for the survey is 2.5–4.0 percentage points.