AFRY PaperLine responds to the efficiency improvement demand in the pulp and paper industry
The pulp and paper industry is capital intensive. Large investments together with high-class maintenance are necessary to keep and increase the competitiveness of the plant and its operation. Increasing the production efficiency with high availability, high utilization, and correct quality is key for getting a high return on investment, with digitalization being an important tool in getting there. But it takes more than that – digital tools need to also be flexible and be able to adjust and adapt to today’s quickly changing market trends.
The process industry is in transition in order to reach the global climate change targets by using sustainable solutions. Development is proceeding at the speed of light that requires an agile business where both products and services are flexible and adaptable to meet required changes.
Digital tools need the flexibility to meet demands of constant improvement and increased production efficiency
The level of automation within the pulp and paper industry is generally high and most of the normal operation work processes are already automated. At the same time, there is pressure from corporate owners and company boards to increase competitiveness by utilizing digitalization. So, what can be done, and which areas stand on the front line to bring the most effectiveness when production efficiency needs to be increased? Improved traceability and more transparent communication are good examples.
At the end of the ’90s when new digital solutions saw the light of day, many of us realized the potential to increase and improve production efficiency through different digital tools. That is why we developed AFRY PaperLine, MES (Manufacturing Execution System) for the pulp and paper industry, with the ambition to support our customers to grow in a constantly changing market environment. Today we have a proven system that has a modern touch with a focus on flexibility and traceability that strives to increase production efficiency.
AFRY PaperLine brings required traceability
Having more digital systems and applications should not make daily life harder, but the opposite. The capability to gather all systems and functions frequently used by the operators in one common interface is a great benefit. That is why AFRY PaperLine is developed with the ability for smooth and fast integration with other systems such as ERP, process databases, and logistic systems. AFRY PaperLine collects data from different parts and levels of the production unit and implements new transparent digital functions, always focusing on maintaining traceability. With AFRY’s incorporation of ProTAK and their application for OEE tracking, we have a new, valuable piece of the puzzle to integrate with AFRY PaperLine to even further optimize and increase production efficiency.
New plants and process units are expected to produce at least 25-30 years into the future. In order to do so there is a need for flexible and long-term digital solutions. To give owners and production more security, we can offer our own 24/7/365 support in parallel with yearly updates and new functions of AFRY PaperLine.
As a global, leading consulting company in pulp and paper, we recognize the value of development done in co-operation with our customers, new innovations, and being one step ahead and giving our customers the best, most sustainable, and future-proof solutions.