AFRY supports LEAG in preparing permit application documents for one of the largest Power-to-X plants in Germany
The largest private energy company in eastern Germany, Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG (LEAG) took another important step towards the energy transition and submitted a permit application for the construction of an innovative Power-to-X plant in Jänschwalde, Lusatia. The device will enable the storage and re-electrification of renewable energy produced by a network of coordinated solar photovoltaic and wind power plants to be built in the region. AFRY carried out the pre-engineering study and compiled the licensing documents.
The Jänschwalde Innovative Storage Power Plant can store large quantities of excess renewable energy in two storage systems operating in parallel. The first storage system entails the production of hydrogen via an electrolysis plant. Once generated, hydrogen is then stored as fuel for the combined cycle power plant. The second storage unit consists of a large thermal energy storage plant capable of storing green power that will be re-electrified by generating hot steam to increase the power output of the steam turbine of the CCGT.
Re-electrification of the green energy stored as hydrogen takes place in a highly efficient Combined-Cycle Gas Turbine power plant equipped with a state-of-the-art H-class gas turbine. The CCGT is classified as "hydrogen-ready", and up to 53 per cent hydrogen (by volume) can be added to the gas turbine's fuel gas without restrictions from the start of commercial operation. Subsequently, the gas turbine will be upgraded so that it can finally run on 100% green hydrogen as fuel, enabling completely CO2-free electricity generation.

With this set-up, the ISPP is poised to become a flexible and innovative Power-to-X system for renewable energy, as well as a highly efficient CO2-free power generation device.
LEAG has entrusted AFRY with the preparation of the documents required for the first permit application for the ISPP to be submitted to the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment (LfU) as responsible authority.
In a first stage of the assignment, AFRY optimised the technical concept of the ISPP from an economic and environmental point of view and completed the basic engineering required for the permit application of the new pioneering Power-to-X facility. Also, AFRY supports LEAG in the preparation of tender documents for the turnkey implementation of the ISPP by an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor.
I am proud that we have been selected as the trusted consultant by LEAG for this innovative and advanced project which will play an important role in Germany’s energy transition. AFRY’s extensive track record and expertise give us the confidence to deliver substantial value and crucial insights for the successful realisation of this leading-edge project
says Jose Torres Carmona, EMEA Regional Director, Renewables and Thermal Power.
For further information, please contact:
Jose Torres Carmona, EMEA Regional Director – Renewables & Thermal Power
Virginia Ferrari, Communications Manager, Energy Division
About LEAG
LEAG supplies energy for millions of households, industry and public life - reliably, flexibly and competitively. In Germany, this makes LEAG one of the top 5 electricity producers. In Lusatia and the Central German mining district, the company also provides district heating for municipalities and companies. LEAG is one of the biggest private employers in eastern Germany with around 7,000 employees. leag.de/en/gwf
About AFRY
AFRY provides engineering, design, digital and advisory services to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society. We are 19,000 devoted experts in industry, energy and infrastructure sectors, creating impact for generations to come. AFRY has Nordic roots with a global reach, net sales of 24 BSEK and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Making Future

Hydrogen as gas turbine fuel
any carbon. In a balanced complete combustion reaction, the only combustion product is water.
Read more in our White Paper.