Rainforest with river running

Electricity North West has published AFRYs report on the ‘Trading Rules’ for the Innovative BiTraDER project

The future distribution network will be actively managed, with the DSO resolving network constraints dynamically.

There are various tools for this and different options will need to be tested, as the ultimate challenge is getting the acceptance of network users to offer flexibility. BiTraDER is an exciting model of peer-to-peer trading for network access.

In this report, AFRY together with the project partners, has designed the first layer and high-level principles of the rules for peer-to-peer trading of curtailment obligations between assets connected to the same constraints on the distribution network, with simple examples to highlight how this can work. Having the ability to trade could encourage more renewable resources to accept curtailable connections, increasing availability of flexibility and thereby reducing whole system costs. The next step of the project will be to apply the Trading Rules in trials to get feedback from customers, and test the trading rules under different scenarios.

Rainforest with river running

Read the report

A report to Electricity North West Limited as part of the BiTraDER project.

The Report has been published in support of the Second BiTraDER deliverable to Ofgem.

This Deliverable provides an update on the project progress, with a specific focus on the trading rules design, initial specification of the end-to-end solution and the current plans for the trial phase. The deliverable, alongside all the supporting documents can be found on the ENWL BiTraDER focussed website using the link below.

Wind turbines with the clouds and sky

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Stephen Woodhouse - Director, AFRY Management Consulting

Stephen Woodhouse

Director, AFRY Management Consulting

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Simon Bradbury - Senior Principal, AFRY Management Consulting

Simon Bradbury

Senior Principal, AFRY Management Consulting

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