
Rebuild Ukraine

Last week AFRY attended the 3rd International exhibition & conference ReBuild Ukraine powered by Energy in Warsaw, Poland. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, has highlighted the significant task of rebuilding the country, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts across sectors. AFRY echoes this sentiment, highlighting the critical role of cohesive collaboration among stakeholders and sectors to facilitate Ukraine's recovery.

As the war in Ukraine persists, the requirements for the reconstruction of the country remain uncertain. However, it is crucial to proactively outline the fundamental components of the reconstruction.

The reconstruction will require a substantial global financial commitment as well as know-how of how to design, engineer, and construct critical infrastructure. This was discussed during the rebuild Ukraine conference along with the necessity of partnerships and collaborations in this immense task.

“The current context and the terrible impacts of an ongoing war, drives the need for this dialogue about the reconstruction of Ukraine. The rebuild will require collaboration, finance, and know how, we believe that we can contribute to this by drawing on two decades of navigating the Ukrainian market, as well as our deep sector knowledge within energy and infrastructure”, says Henrik Tegnér, Head of Strategy & Sustainability at AFRY.

AFRY has over 20 years of experience and a local presence in Ukraine and is therefore familiar with the local environment, infrastructure, and ways of operation. Our experience encompasses various types of strategic roadmaps and projects, including energy, generation and distribution, district heating, energy efficiency and demand side measures, nuclear power, renewable energy, power transmission and distribution, wastewater treatment, waste management and digital solutions. On the back of that experience, we can contribute to the discussion about how to rebuild Ukraine.

“We believe that the rebuilding of Ukraine will take a long time, and that it is important for AFRY to be a part of this process and contribute with our unique and deep sector expertise. Many thanks to all our colleagues for standing with Ukraine”, says Oksana Shevchenko, Country Manager, Ukraine.

Today AFRY has a solid network in Ukraine which ensure that we find the most suitable partners for our projects. AFRY has successfully contributed to Ukraine's development by its involvement in critical projects in collaboration with notable organizations like the World Bank (WB), European Investment Bank (EIB), the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

To strengthen these networks and collaborations, we organized several side-events during the conference. We united energy industry experts, and Ukrainian utility representatives to discuss how to rebuild Ukraine's critical energy infrastructure and to give them an opportunity to present their current challenges that the cities face and the main needs in the reconstruction in the next 3-5 years.


AFRY was represented by (from the left): Reijo Kuivamäki, Ilkka Heikkila, Oksana Shevchenko, Country Manager Ukraine, Henrik Tegnér, Head of Strategy & Sustainability, Risto Räty. Not in the picture: Katazina Andrukonyte, Tord Karlberg and Jane Karanda.

Oksana Shevchenko - Group manager and Country Manager, Ukraine

Oksana Shevchenko

Group manager and Country Manager, Ukraine

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Katazina Andrukonyte - IFIs Cooperation and Projects Lead

Katazina Andrukonyte

IFIs Cooperation and Projects Lead

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