AFRY is developing a new tool to increase road traffic safety.
First in the world with a traffic safety index
For the first time, organizations can report in the sustainability area of traffic safety through a new traffic safety index - called the FIA Road Safety Index (FIA RS Index). It helps organizations, among other things, measure their traffic safety footprint, similar to carbon footprints (total greenhouse gas emissions). It is crucial for traffic safety development in society that traffic safety is included in governing documents and given a larger role in purchasing and procurement so it can be followed up systematically.
The tool helps to reduce the number of injuries and deaths in road traffic. Each year, approximately 1.3 million die in accidents within the road transport system and 50 million are injured. The most common cause of death among the group of children and young people between 5 and 29 years old is to be killed in a road traffic accident.
Traffic safety is a crucial sustainability area to achieve the global goals for sustainable development in Agenda 2030, and is receiving increasing attention in various organizations' sustainability work. Globalization has meant that organizations' value chains have grown, becoming increasingly complex and internationally spread. This entails a greater responsibility for how operations affect the rest of the world. Everyone who consumes a product or service affects the transport system and thus also traffic safety.
How does the tool work?
The tool is based on a step-by-step system that provides support in determining how far an organization has come in its work with its impact on traffic safety. A manual with an accompanying toolbox guides the user through the process of building and developing their traffic safety work and assessing their index, which contains several steps.
About the project
The work with the FIA RSI is run by AFRY's project group and funded through the FIA Innovation Fund. The project started in 2020 and AFRY has since the fall of 2021 carried out six pilot projects with three multinational companies, a Swedish authority, and two FIA clubs to test and develop the index. The first edition of the framework and manual is published.
Would you also like to be a pioneer in your work with traffic safety?
AFRY can assist you with, among other things:
Identify your business impact in traffic safety
Map relevant activities in the value chain
Introduce and educate about the index in your operation
Identify improvement potential in how you work with traffic safety
Develop your sustainability reporting
Develop your communication with suppliers and support in procurements

Safety footprint is the number of fatalities and seriously injured persons as a result of road crashes occurring within an organization’s entire value chain. All casualties resulting from relevant and significant activities, services and products should be included in the calculation.

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