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Gas: at the centre of a low carbon future report released

Ed: This article predates November 2019, when ÅF and Pöyry came together as AFRY.

Gas: At the centre of a low carbon future - a review for Oil & Gas UK from Pöyry

Pöyry is pleased to announce the publication of a review commissioned by Oil & Gas UK. The review highlighted that low-carbon transformation requires a fundamental change in how we use and produce energy. There are inevitable risks along the way, and the government therefore needs to balance its energy objectives. The scale of change and uncertainty over the future means we need to be flexible and keep all our options open. The review noted that current pathways and policy frameworks sideline gas, even though it offers a means of mitigating some of the risks and can be part of the UK's long-term energy mix. It called on the government to recognise the potential from gas in policy (e.g. gas CCS) and to allow the market to decide what role it plays.

A copy of the review is available from Oil & Gas UK or below.

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Richard Sarsfield-Hall - Director & Head of Energy Management Consulting UK, AFRY Management Consulting

Richard Sarsfield-Hall

Director & Head of Energy Management Consulting UK, AFRY Management Consulting

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Gareth Davies - Director, AFRY Management Consulting

Gareth Davies

Director, AFRY Management Consulting

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