Renewable Electricity in CSEE – Opportunities and Challenges Ahead
Central South East Europe (CSEE) power systems are transitioning on the decarbonisation path and are propelled by regulatory and market drivers that present both opportunities and challenges. With a large fleet of aging fossil fuel-based power generation across the region, coupled with heightened uncertainty for hydro power plants, these are emerging facilitators for faster renewable energy uptake.
At the same time, the East European developing countries are moving away from regulated support schemes to more market-based frameworks, or even pure merchant renewables and emerging corporate PPAs. Despite the COVID-19 backdrop, the recovery in power prices since summer 2020 and recent all-time highs for EU ETS carbon allowance prices, add momentum for large renewable investment opportunities.
This webinar reviewed the power markets of Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, which have recently seen strong investor interest in RES-E projects. AFRY discuss CSEE’s renewable electricity development, including:
• renewable energy targets;
• RES-E capture rates and market price risk;
• carbon pricing framework;
• an overview of historical power prices;
• SWOT analysis of RES-E regulation; and
• imbalance costs of green energy.
The slide pack and recording are below.