Digital Waves

Robust Communication: Radio

Secure and robust solutions for wireless communication systems

The growing global threats have strengthened the need for monitoring with fast and intelligent data processing as well as robust and secure communication infrastructure. AFRY helps clients develop secure and robust solutions for wireless communication systems, for both fixed networks and mobile platforms.

In the field of radio, robust communication is about ensuring stable and protected radio links between mobile and/or fixed communication systems.

The telephone and data services used over the radio links and in the radio access networks must function satisfactorily even in difficult conditions, while at the same time complying with any regulatory requirements and guidelines.

Access to information and communication anytime, anywhere and in any case has been taken for granted for many years. More and more users need to coexist within the same spectral space and with the other limited resources available.

The environmental and sustainability perspective needs to be taken into account when developing the robust communication infrastructure of the future, ultimately to contribute to the UN's Global Sustainability goals. At the same time, this means great value-creating opportunities for companies and organisations.

Radio within Robust Communication at AFRY

AFRY helps clients to develop secure and robust solutions for wireless communication systems, for both fixed networks and mobile platforms. The services are available for all types of clients and actors in the defence, public sector and private industry.

The services include strategic advice, market analyses, feasibility studies, risk and vulnerability analyses, requirements specification, procurement support, project management, design & development work, implementation, system integration, testing & verification & validation as well as operation & maintenance.

The combination of our expertise in robust communication and sustainable development means that our customers receive optimised, cost-effective and future-proof communication solutions.

Our collaborations with the research community give us the opportunity to explore the latest technologies and influence the future ways of communicating robustly. Some examples are 6G, Internet of Senses, laser communication and THz technologies.

Examples of technologies and areas of expertise that we possess in robust radio communication are:

  • Wireless communication systems (mobile and fixed) for radio link, mobile telephony and satellite communication
  • Array antenna technology with advanced signal processing for performance optimisation and interference elimination in complex mobile environments
  • EMF/EMC/EMI and intersystem interference analysis
  • Software-controlled radio and cognitive radio
  • Artificial intelligence (ML, DL), advanced data analytics and visualisation (VR, AR, UX)
  • Radio access technologies and standards (2G-5G, Tetra, WiFi, Bluetooth, UWB, DVB, MIMO etc.)
  • Smart electronics, embedded systems and real-time critical software development

Examples of reference projects:

  • Multifunctional antenna systems for naval vessels - performance optimisation and risk management
  • Development of mobile satellite communication systems for robust, mobile broadband services
  • Development and implementation of digital radio software for 5G radio base stations for improved coverage and capacity.
Johan Tenstam - Section Manager SpaceTech, AI & Robust Communication Systems
Johan Tenstam
Section Manager SpaceTech, AI & Robust Communication Systems

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