AFRY VISI Belt - Conveyor belt condition monitoring system
AFRY VISI Belt provides real time condition information of the conveyor belts and enables to plan right timed maintenance actions

VISI Belt – for conveyor belt condition monitoring
Avoid catastrophic failures and production losses with the help of VISI Belt
VISI Belt Conveyor belt condition monitoring system technology, benefits and modules
- VISI Belt conveyor belt system technology
- VISI Belt System benefits
- VISI Belt Material Side
- VISI Belt Clean Side
- VISI Belt Computing Unit
- VISI Belt Portal
VISI Belt conveyor belt system technology
- Continuously monitor the condition of the conveyor belt
- Two monitoring modules: One on the material side and the other on the clean side of the belt.
- Provides real-time information and reports about the health of crucial conveyor belts
- Provides information about the optimal maintenance window to maintain, fix or change each conveyor belt
- Detects belt wear and tear, misalignment, slowly progressing damages, edge rips, holes
- Alarms when the probability of failure is increasing
- Stops the conveyor belts in severe damages
- Informs the operator of the stoppage reason

VISI Belt increases the conveyors' reliability and optimises conveyor belts lifetime
VISI Belt System benefits
- Increase safety: Prevent unnecessary people exposure from dangerous areas near the conveyors
- Increase production: Avoid unplanned downtime of conveyor belts
- Speed up: Time for troubleshooting
- Save costs: Reduce maintenance costs, energy consumption
- Avoid: Informs about potential failures to ruptures, rips, holes, excessive belt wear, fire and other damage to the conveyor
- Reduce: Falling material from belt, sound emission
- Optimise: Increase belt reliability and optimise lifetime

VISI Belt Material Side
VISI Belt MS monitoring module – for monitoring the material side of the belt
The MS monitoring module analyses the cross-directional profile of the belt based on real-time optical 3D surface scanning. It detects belt thickness, wear, misalignment, edge wear, rips, holes, defects, damages and unwanted objects.

Straight measuring Beam. Installed close to the head- or tail pulley or in another stable position.
- Creates defect map for the entire length of the belt and makes a detailed fault analysis. Faults are classified according to the severity of the fault.
- Can be connect to the customer´s control system for fault information data.
- Sends the defect map to cloud/customer servers for advanced analysis and visualisation.

VISI Belt Clean Side
VISI Belt CS (Clean Side)
VISI Belt CS is designed for the conveyor belt clean side condition monitoring.

- Detects with 3D surface scanning the damages that pierce the conveyor belt and detects holes, rips and objects that have penetrated the belt
- Stops the damaged belt by sending a signal to the control system.
- Curved measuring beam. Installed on the bottom of the top belt between conveyors frames immediately after the feed chute

VISI Belt Computing Unit
VISI Belt CU (Computing Unit)
- Computing unit on site or Virtual Machine at customer premises depending on selection
- Analyses the profile of the belt surface
- Real-Time fault detection
- Alarming and stop signal to the automation system
- Data buffering and transfer data to the VISI Belt portal

Computing unit functions
VISI Belt Portal
VISI Belt Portal
Will be customised according to customer needs
- Information about one or several belts
- Belt profile analytics
- Human-labelled fault classifier data
- Alarms /events
- Data logging
- Trending
- Belt lifetime prediction
- Visualisation, dashboard

Data visualisation
- A visual view of the belt´s health trend based on the picture and profile measurement data
- The trend of the belt thickness (wear) visualised on the full belt area
Predictive analytics
- A forecast of belt wear in selected areas based on usage measuring statistics
- Forecast of remaining lifetime
- Recommendation of the optimal time to fix or change the belt