offshore wind farm at dusk, renewable energy background

Technology supply curves for low carbon generation

Ed: This article predates November 2019, when ÅF and Pöyry came together as AFRY.

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) advises the UK Government on progress and policies towards meeting its legally binding greenhouse gas reduction targets.

In this study, we developed feasible deployment trajectories to 2030 for five key low carbon generation technologies: onshore wind, offshore wind, nuclear, carbon capture and storage, and biomass conversion of coal stations. For each technology we developed a supply curve for the levelised costs of projects in the deployment pipeline. Based on our deployment paths and cost distributions we derived the required subsidy for each technology.

The study was used to inform the CCC’s advice to Government on setting the 5th Carbon Budget (covering 2028-32). It was also use to inform CCC’s response to the Government’s consultation on Electricity Market Reform.

Read the full study below.

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