Aerial view of Karuma River

Visit AFRY at AFRICA 2023 in Uganda


From: 10-July-2023 To: 12-July-2023

Water storage and hydropower development for Africa

The AFRICA 2023 conference, organized by The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams in collaboration with the governments of Uganda, brings together experts from around the world to focus on issues of specific to Africa in the field of water storage and hydropower development.

The agenda covers the topics of cross-border collaboration for transboundary schemes, challenging sites and climate resilience, as well as capacity building and training.

The World Bank, African Development Bank, and the African Union, have all contributed to the programme and Uganda is an enthusiastic local partner for AFRICA 2023. International delegates will meet for three days of sessions in beautiful surroundings, attend workshops and training seminars, and take tours of hydro schemes. There will be plenty of networking opportunities and cultural excursions.

Aerial view of Karuma HPP and surrounding landscape
AFRY is the Owners Engineer for Karuma, a project that can be visited with Study Tour B “Tour B – North: Karuma construction site"

AFRY's activities at Africa 2023

Learn and benefit from the knowledge and experience of our hydro power engineering specialists Arrow pointing right

Javier de Lorenzo, Nora Fjoesne, Switzerland
Presentation: The Sendje hydro project in Equatorial Guinea: Future plans and benefits
J. De Lorenzo, N. Rydland Fjoesne and V. de Genot de Nieukerken, AFRY, Switzerland;
E.M. Oyono Abang, GE Proyectos, Equatorial Guinea

Victor de Genot de Nieukerken, Switzerland
Presentation: Geological mapping to assess social and environmental impact of possible slopes instabilities along the Karuma reservoir, Uganda 
S. Ceriani and V. de Genot de Nieukerken, AFRY Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland;
I. Kifamulusi, AFRY, Uganda

Stefan Ehlers, Switzerland
Presentation: The development of alkali aggregate reaction (ARR) at the Kainji spillway structure after 50 years of operation
S. Ehlers, AFRY Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland

Alexander Vetter, Switzerland
Presentation: Modernization and uprating of Kainji, Nigeria, from 760 to almost 1000 MW
A. Vetter, AFRY Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland;
L. Audu, Mainstream Energy Solutions Ltd, Nigeria

Dr. Harald Kling, Austria
Presentation: Modelling of inflow conditions and hydropower generation at the Akagera River, East Africa
H. Kling, AFRY Austria GmbH, Austria

Read the abstracts from AFRY's presentations Arrow pointing right

Meet our hydropower consulting experts at Stand 69 at the Speke Resort Munyonyo beside Lake Victoria, Uganda

Alexander Vetter - Key Account Manager

Alexander Vetter

Key Account Manager

Alexander Vetter has 24 years of experience in the field of design, project engineering, proposal management as well as project management in the power plant business thereof 22 years in the area of hydro power plants.

Dr. Harald Kling  - Hydrology, Inflow Forecasting, Reservoir Operation

Dr. Harald Kling

Hydrology, Inflow Forecasting, Reservoir Operation

Dr. Harald Kling is a senior hydrologist at AFRY and has 20 years of professional experience. He is responsible for climate change impact assessments as well as the development of operational inflow forecasting systems to support hydropower operations.

Victor de Genot de Nieukerken - Head of Section Client Relations & Sales, Hydro Switzerland

Victor de Genot de Nieukerken

Head of Section Client Relations & Sales, Hydro Switzerland

Mr. Victor de Genot de Nieukerken is a Senior Project Manager with over 15 years of experience in the hydropower sector and, as international business manager, is responsible for Sales/Client Relations for the Hydropower and Dam unit of AFRY Switzerland.

Nora Fjoesne - Project Engineer Hydropower, Switzerland

Nora Fjoesne

Project Engineer Hydropower, Switzerland

Nora Fjoesne is a Civil and Environmental Engineer with experience in the planning and design of hydropower schemes and structures. She has designed the hydraulic structures for small and large hydropower projects, including both traditional as well as more innovative solutions based on the most recent studies concerning hydropower.

Javier de Lorenzo Fernández - Engineering Geologist / Project Manager

Javier de Lorenzo Fernández

Engineering Geologist / Project Manager

Mr. Javier de Lorenzo Fernández is an Engineering Geologist and Project Manager with more than 16 years of experience in hydropower schemes focused on different stages (Feasibility to Commissioning); geological-geotechnical engineering; geological risks; site investigations and site supervision; tunnel and dam monitoring; and first filling processes and Project Management.

Stefan Ehlers - Leiter Abteilung Talsperren und Stauanlagen

Stefan Ehlers

Head of Section Geotechnical & Dam Engineering

Stefan Ehlers has more than 20 years of experience in the planning, design and safety evaluation of dams, hydropower schemes and hydraulic structures. He has gained international experience on numerous large dam and hydropower projects in many parts of the world. Currently he is member of the Technical Commission of the Swiss Committee on Dams.