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Hydrogen from natural gas – the key to deep decarbonisation

Ed: This article predates November 2019, when ÅF and Pöyry came together as AFRY.

In the public discussion, decarbonising through electrification is often a foregone conclusion. Pöyry has investigated whether an alternative pathway that allows for the inclusion of hydrogen can provide a more resilient route to decarbonisation.

In 2018, Pöyry published its seminal study “Fully decarbonising Europe’s energy system by 2050”, which recognised and analysed the changes required to energy use in order to achieve full decarbonisation of Europe’s energy system by 2050.

Our new study, "Hydrogen from natural gas – the key to deep decarbonisation", now highlights the potential of hydrogen produced from natural gas to contribute to all parts of the energy sector, i.e. heating, transport and power.

Commissioned by Zukunft ERDGAS, the report is now available to download below.

If you are interested in purchasing “Fully decarbonising Europe’s energy system by 2050” or investigating other pathways to decarbonising the energy system, please contact Richard Sarsfield-Hall.

Get in touch with our experts

Richard Sarsfield-Hall - Director & Head of Energy Management Consulting UK, AFRY Management Consulting

Richard Sarsfield-Hall

Director & Head of Energy Management Consulting UK, AFRY Management Consulting

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