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AFRY's Quality engineering adjust focus to accelerate transition towards a sustainable society

We want to grow through diversity and inclusion

The need of Quality Engineers is significant all over Sweden and Quality Engineering (QE) invests and refocus to reach the goal of doubling its business, 2022. In order to compete for customers as well as candidates, QE focuses on diversity and inclusion.

Industries are making major investments adjusting to adapt their business for the sustainable society. AFRY´s Quality Engineering (QE), experiences an increased demand for quality engineers all over Sweden. Sami Paloaho and Fredrik Videll, Section managers at QE, which aims to double its business during 2022, adjust their strategy to focus mainly on enhanced inclusive culture. This includes achieving increased gender equality in the otherwise male dominated industry.

In order to attract both customers and candidates, we must take part in the accelerated transition to a more sustainable society, we will never get there without an including culture, Petrus Jansson, Business Unit Manager, Quality Engineering.

QE´s engineers often operate management and quality assurance in projects as well as in line production. Development of quality management systems and implementation of new routines for new and upgraded current processes are common tasks. Historically, majority of the assignments have been linked to the highly regulated energy sector. But for several years, large projects within paper and pulp industry have increased. As of now, from small companies to large corporations are making significant investments in Process- and Manufacturing industries. There are several contributing factors that drives the transition: readjust from plastic to paper, production of fossil-free steel and battery production. All male dominated areas.

In order to attract more female candidates, we need to adjust. Communicating how we work and not just what we produce can be one way to do that. Petrus Jansson, Business Unit Manager, Quality Engineering.

Investing in the North of Sweden Arrow pointing right


In the northern part of Sweden, one of QEs investments started in 2020 by Sami Paloaho, Section Manager for the recently new established office in Örnsköldsvik. During the pandemic he built a group consisting of four employees and the aim is to double the operation and open additional offices along the northern coast.

Customer requests vary and range from specific roles in immense projects in the Process industry to project managers at small start-ups. Every company is in need of engineers with knowledge of quality assurance and quality control.


Sami Paloaho QE

Sami describes a typical assignment

- As a quality engineer you often follow standards and regulations related to one product or the customer specific requirements. So it´s preferable that you enjoy controlled routines. We work in close collaboration with the customers line staff, which includes a lot of practical work.

I want my team members to work with what they are good at, that is often what you think is the most fun as well. We are working in teams where all have their own strengths.

Investment in the South of Sweden Arrow pointing right


Operations in the southern part of Sweden can be found in Stockholm, Goteborg, Kalmar, Oskarshamn and Helsingborg. On the agenda is duplicate size of the groups in Gothenburg and Stockholm as well as establishing operations in Norrköping and Linköping.

Fredrik Videll, Section Manager, QE Gothenburg, established the new office in Gothenburg some years ago as he made the journey from a calculation engineer to project manager and finally section manager. The challenge now is to recruit to meet the great demand of Quality Engineers in different areas, mainly in the Process and Energy industries.


Fredrik Videll QE

Fredrik describes the group and culture

- We are a great team, with members of different backgrounds and experiences, always having fun together and helping each other out.

Quality engineers are available in a wide range of professional roles. All with the purpose to make sure that the final products are safe, reliable and fulfils the customer expectations, simultaneously ensuring an efficient and cost-efficient manufacturing process as possible.

About Quality Engineering Arrow pointing right

Quality Engineering

Quality Engineering (QE) consists of more than 35 Quality Engineers specialised in several areas. By a holistic point of view and focus on sustainability we strive to raise the manufacturing quality in mechanic components, installation and inspection in regulated industries. Our offices are allocated in a dozen cities in Sweden. The goal for 2022 is to double number of employees, open four new offices and create a better diversity in the field.

Petrus Jansson

- The benefit of diversity is obvious. Lack of representative from a category leads to missing out on necessary perspective.

We need to make an effort in order to attract more female candidates. Communicating how we work and not just what we produce is one necessary adjustment in our culture.

Petrus Jansson, Business Unit Manager Quality Engineering says and continues

- Our welding and quality engineers have been involved in many of the large projects started in Sweden since 2015, from Värö in south to Northvolt in north. We are of course very proud of all our amazing consultants and all we have achieved over the years and are humbly grateful for the trust- given by our customers.

But we have also realized that we can do so much more. Above all through increased diversity in the teams.

We are of course very proud of all our fantastic consultants and everything we have achieved over the years and humbly grateful for the trust our customers have given us. How ever we have also realised that we can do much more. Above all, by increasing the diversity in the groups. Petrus Jansson, Business Unit Manager, Quality Engineering.


Get to know Veronica Bertilsson

Quality Engineer and Quality Manager

"AFRY attracted me because of the diversity among colleagues, the wide range of assignments and the opportunities to develop."
Jessica Kecki AFRY office

Get to know Jessica Kekki

Quality Engineer
If you have been thinking about changing companies or industries, this is perhaps the right time to dare to take the plunge!